Georges Brassens entouré de ses amis-news

Georges Brassens entouré de ses amis

22 Jul 24

On a boat with Georges Brassens Sète

Documentary filmmaker Rémi Sautet is launching a boat trip this summer 2024 in the footsteps of Georges Brassens in Sète, guided by the song poet's own video archives.

""You will envy a little the eternal summer visitor, who pedals on the wave while dreaming, who spends his death on vacation"" . It is from this ""poetic affirmation"" taken from "" The supplication to be buried on the beach of Sète "" signed by the man with the pipe, that the documentary filmmaker Rémi Sautet concocted his new project dedicated to Brassens: ""the Brassens trip, by boat with Georges".   An original creation which substantially enriches the Brassens route in Sète. ""For 2 hours, I show that he is spending his death well on vacation in Sète!"" , smiles the director.



15 Jul 24


In Sète, culture doesn't wait! Also the festivals begin with the arrival of sunny days.

Festivals in Sète – A Vibrant Summer Season. Immerse yourself in the heart of the summer excitement in Sète with a multitude of festivals that transform the city into a real living spectacle. Every summer, the streets, cultural places, and especially the legendary Theater of the Sea, are adorned with the colors and rhythms of festivals which celebrate art in all its forms.

Discover a remarkable artistic diversity through the numerous festivals offered by the City of Sète. Events such as Fiest'A Sète, Jazz à Sète, Le Demi festival, SunSète Festival, Le Festival BD Plage, add a vibrant touch to the Sète summer.

But the offer doesn't stop there. Les Voix Vives resonate in the alleys, the Nord Sud Festival creates cultural bridges, Les Automn'Halles brings an autumnal touch, and the BAZR Festival brings its dose of originality. Explore the full list of upcoming festivals, and immerse yourself in a unique cultural and artistic summer in Sète. Each event promises a captivating experience, uniting the community around a shared passion for art and creativity

15 Jul 24

The best shellfish to taste in Sète